John Fleming, known as “Blind John” among skydivers, jumped out of a perfectly good airplane over 1900 times. More than 1200 of those jumps were made after he lost his sight — he was the first known skydiver to develop a method of jumping solo while blind.
John Fleming died of cancer June 5, 2016. Near the end of his life, family and friends who loved John became determined his inspirational story would not pass with him. A volunteer film crew was organized and they began to shoot interviews with John and his skydiving buddies.
In 2017, Flying Blind Productions, LLC. was formed to create a full-length documentary about John, his vision loss, his method for skydiving safely without sight, and his determination to live life on his own terms.
Flying Blind Productions has produced a short film called Free Falling: The Story of John Fleming Thrill-seeker and is now working to raise funds to produce and distribute a full-length documentary. Meanwhile, they continue to interview people who knew John.
3 Ways You Can Help Us Tell John’s Story
1. If you knew John and have an interesting story to tell about him, write us at producers { at } We may want to interview you for the full-length documentary.
2. Join our production team by helping finance this project. The easiest way is through our GoFundMe page. If you need to make an offline donation, please contact us at producers { at }
3. Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. Then comment on our posts and share our posts as often as you can to spread the word among your family and friends who haven’t heard of John yet.